We´ll influence your SERPs Rankings with our tailor-made user experiences and SEO quality signals, orchestrated by Artificial Intelligence and our real-time SEO analysis with Machine Learning.
CTRify is an advanced SEO solution powered by AI and Machine learning, that can analyze your website metrics, generate a campaign in seconds and orchestrate thousands of signals during a calculated period that will positively influence the quality perception of Google´s rank algorithms for every single URL of any site and all their ranked keywords. Thanks to these signals you´ll gradually obtain higher rankings in the search results for not only the main keywords but also for all long-tail keywords of each influenced URL.
Besides to generate signals to improve your rankings, our AI will monitor not just your site, but all the SERPS and your competitors. It is connected to the top tools of the market like Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, SEMRUsh, and Keyword IO to provide you a complete competitor analysis for each keyword and suggest improvements and detailed reports. You may not need another tool anymore.
After our AI analyzes your website data, it orchestrates various UX signals generated by our devices. They receive tasks based on their geographical location, registered devices, and, most importantly, their Engagement Rate and Quality Rate. Our AI is in charge. It controls the assignation on time, and completion checks off each task, and quality assurance.
Verify a website and select what quality signals to equalize; CTR, Bounce, Dwell Time, Pogo Sticking, Page Views, Time on site, etc.
Our AI will Analyze your website data and offer you several options. From fully automated to custom-oriented campaigns.
You have the option to pay on demand by usage or select a monthly plan with a discount on credits.
Relax and sit back, our AI will take care of all. Jobs will be distributed and your reports are in real-time.
According to this Google patent the value of each link and its quality is based on the organic traffic received and the keywords used to reach that backlink. Our AI will analyze all your site backlinks and will calculate the semantic affinity to each linked URL. Once detected, the most valuable ones, the AI will create different organic traffic quality signals for each of them.
Our AI will also detect and analyze your competitor's backlinks for each keyword and will let you know even if you can have links to your site from the same high DR sources if it can help your rankings.
Variety is Important, especially when you need to show quality signals to other AI like Google. Our catalog of devices is well-curated. Tasks are distributed to devices based on AI device selection.
Your reports will contain full used device disclosure and also de IP and time when the action has been performed. Also a resume of the performed signals.
View Full Devices StatsOne of the essential factors is when to send a signal. Our AI is in command to decide the best time of the day to perform an action based on its data. Every single task is metered and scheduled by our AI until completion.
Thanks to our economies of scale, we can offer you service not just at the right price, but even less expensive than any other solution. And most important, hands-free for you. We take care of all.
You cannot penalize what you can´t see. We won´t tell, you neither right? Our signals are well diluted on the ocean of signals received each second by the Search Engines AI. AI detects Outliers/Anomalies to avoid abuses or data corruption. Our AI likes to be normal.
You control your data, and we don´t store or share any private information. Once a campaign is finished, you can delete every trace of data after downloading the campaign reports. In fact, we beg you for that as Machine Learning uses an insane amount of data calculation.
The use of our solution is untraceable. You don´t need to install any script on your side, add any tag or modify in any way your web pages.
114Google Search Locations
210,830Google PR people have indeed denied it to the SEOs who asked them. But what can they say if they can't confirm anything because of their confidentiality agreements? In reality, they do not even deny it categorically; they say that Google does not use clicks as a ranking factor, and it is true, is not just clicks.
Google uses something more complex for sure, like what they call on this paper
So, all that points to a YES, Google should use Click, CTR, Dwell Time, and other UX signals as ranking factors. Our test clearly shows that SERPs move positions when we apply different signals.
There is more, Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, and Marissa Mayer had to confess it to the United States Federal Trade Commission. Here is the full copy
Yes! We guarantee that every single paid action will be executed. You will have real-time reports full disclosure of the actions performed and even the IP from where they were performed so you can double-check it on your server-side, or analytics software. So do Google Analytics and any web analytics software.
We can even show you the real results of our latest demo campaign progress.
And you can compare it also
With those reports, you can compare that those same keywords are getting even better positions on this second campaign and that the initial position on the second campaign is the end position on the first campaign. The original initial SERP positions for the keywords are the ones showed on the first campaign.
Google Seach Console also registers those clicks, CTR, and positions changes. But some keywords may not appear because of
As long as Google use Clicks, CTR, Dwell-Time, Pogo-sticking signals among other UX signals, your rankings will be influenced as we will optimize all of them for your selected keywords and URLs, but please note that as on every SEO service, we can´t guarantee your website’s ranking as you know that the search engines change their ranking algorithms regularly and new sites and competitor sites may be being optimized and submitted continually. But on such algorithm changes, our solutions work better, as it will auto adjust the signals to match new ranking tendencies.
And one more consideration, with most of the influenced keywords, the rankings not move up as fast as on the
Now is more like a marathon, keywords must be optimized carefully and been as normal and likelihood as possible as you can. And this is what our AI does with its calculations on our AI CTR optimized campaigns.
You cannot penalize what you can’t see. Our signals are well diluted on the ocean of standard signals received each millisecond by the Search Engines’ AI. We can’t be detected as a menace. In the eyes of Google is regular traffic from normal users from their residential IPs.
We don’t use cheap proxies or allow any user to use them. All browsers are updated, with standard usage cookies and plugins, without adding blockers or similar scripts. We don’t let the same micro worker visit one site often. Most of the time you will receive new visits (unless several signals used as returning visits if your site needs it and is determined by the AI)
Sure, but with some considerations. You can´t provide your client access to the platform. And you are not allowed to resell a CTRify Campaign as a stand-alone SEO service, at your cost, or adding a margin. You are permitted to create Campaigns for your customers as a value-added to your SEO service offer.
As an SEO consultant or Agency, CTRify is perfect for you! One of the many problems we detected with our customers as they hired SEO services to improve the website rankings generated by our solution is that they think SEO optimizations work as fast as an SEM campaign.
With CTRify, you will be able to show some results to your customers in a few days while you work on your other optimizations to improve even more rankings or reach more keywords. We are not intended to replace human SEO work. Think about us like an AI assistant that helps you optimize signals not achieved earlier by any other SEO, and that will handle the heavy lift of the competitor's research, backlinks, and on-page for you.
No, CTRify is something very complex and advanced. CTR bots you can install on your machines are simple pieces of software useless for the purposes we want to achieve with CTRify.
As you may see in the Google Patents section at the bottom on this page, Search Engines like Google uses Machine learning to ignore any manipulation intent. Those pieces of simple software are easily detected and ignored. You can´t just throw many clicks to a keyword and expect some results as the Machine Learning of Search Engines will easily detect and ignore such actions.
You can find more about it here:
If we left all the complex AI analysis and orchestration behind, and focus only on some of the most straightforward signals, like "search and click a SERP result", Yes, but No.
Yes, because some fundamentals are the same in the way of different persons realizing small individual tasks, but No, because on such sites you don´t have control of what is done by the workers, where is done, who does it when the task will be performed, and when it was performed successfully.
And No, it is almost impossible to control such actions correct completion. Usually, you need to review them by hand, one by one. And our real secret is on the recipe and our real-time AI data analysis. If you perform actions like visits or clicks just because you think you need them worths nothing and won´t provide SEO value.
Our AI takes care of them to be counted positively, and our devices are carefully guided on every step of the performed task. They are controlled from before, on the preparation of the task, to the end, on the review of the successful completeness. Nothing is left to their choices unless we wanted. And most important, each task and complete actions have been monitored, and successful completion is verified twice.
And not less important, on such platforms you are exposing yourself or your clients because anybody can see that you are buying SERP clicks ass seen on this media coverage about
No, Panda Bot, on its days were and a good idea. To use the residential IP addresses from many users instead of a local bot connected to easily detected proxies. The problem is that most of the people on the Panda Bot Network use proxies themselves to earn more surf time, killing the network. And Google and most websites blocks or ignore visits under proxies as they are always associated with malicious traffic.
Of course, it is still a simple bot managing a single outdated browser as a bot does, unnatural. Any webmaster can detect and block the Panda browser even if the user agent is spoofed, so does Google. And Google can even detect "not like human" interactions.
No. Your site needs to be indexed and reachable by the Search Engines. Of course, you need to have your website verified with Google Seach Console and Google Analytics, as Google takes a bunch of signals from them. But we don´t need to access your server or install any script. Think of us as a bunch of persons that will visit different pages of your website from different approaches and that will iterate with your content as any other visitor but doing "special" things along the way. Such things are the Signals that differentiate a terrible web page from a top web result. You will know who has been our "Mystery Visitors" as we'll let you know who they are, but no one else will do.
Yes and no. Yes, because we have a specific Reputation Campaign to demote negative search results that affect only the selected bad search result, but no because, on the rest of CTR campaigns, you will only be able to create them for websites you own and can verify the property or right to access.
And also Yes, because at the same time, if there is a winner a loser needs to exists. In order to increase your quality signals, other SERP rankings may be affected as they may be seen as less valuable by the search engine on later queries.
No. The idea is to increase your rankings and quality signals to surface your website and content to real users. Once you are on the top of the hill, the idea is to been kept there by the real searches. It isn't beneficial to use our service if you won´t optimize your content, UX, and offer a good service. We help you get there, but it is your work to keep you there once you are there. Of course, if you fall, you can use us again.
Probably but we can´t warrant that. CTRify campaigns will optimize your own CTR and quality signals for each particular keyword. Still, final results also depend on each keyword's CTR history and how long google seeks back-references on the account. Usually, we found that they like to pay recent search/CTR/quality history for most of the keywords. Some may take longer than others. And be aware that Google doesn´t put all its ranking eggs on the same basket.
CTRify generates powerful quality signals as per various patents, but those same patents show that Google takes in count more factors. Same as you can´t rank a page with a lot of links if the content is thin or unexistent. Or rank just content without links if your competitors have similar content but better links. With the SERP quality signals happen the same. At the end of the day is a sum of all ranking signals, which makes the magic. This is why our algorithms will provide you a detailed competitors report for each keyword, their backlinks, on-page analysis, and much more to help you beat them.
Yes, you can learn more about our
After carefully examining all Google patents over the past ten years, and conduct hundreds of experiments we were able to create a software-based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, which knows exactly when and where to generate ranking signals and make a particular URL the best possible candidate for ranking under specific keyword-based of the information contained on those patents. These signals include all types of actions, such as the perfect user experiences, negative signals, organic searches, strategic link campaigns, etc.
Patent: Modifying Search Resuts Rankings Based on Implicit User Feedback (Mar. 2019):
"Other various inputs may be used instead of, or in addition to, GOOGLE® PageRank for determining and ranking search results. For example, user reactions to particular search results or search result lists may be gauged, so that results on which users often click will receive a higher ranking. The general assumption under such an approach is that searching users are often the best judges of relevance, so that if they select a particular search result, it is likely to be relevant, or at least more relevant than the presented alternatives."
"For example, the tracking component 2050 can be embedded JavaScript code included in a web page ranking 2040 that identifies user selections (clicks) of individual document results and also identifies when the user returns to the results page, thus indicating the amount of time the user spent viewing the selected document result. "
Patent: Recent Interest Based on Relevance Scoring (Jul. 2016):
"Search results can have an elevated importance, or inferred relevance, if a number of other search results link to them. If the linking results are themselves highly relevant, then the linked-to results may have a particularly high rel evance. Such an approach to determining relevance may be premised on the assumption that, if authors of web pages felt that another web site was relevant enough to be linked to, then web searchers would also find the site to be particularly relevant. In short, the web authors “vote up the relevance of the sites."
"Other various inputs may be used instead of, or in addition to. Such techniques for determining and ranking search results. For example, user reactions to particular search results or search result lists may be gauged, so that results on which users often click will receive a higher ranking. The general assumption under Such an approach is that searching users are often the best judges of relevance, so that if they select a particular search result, it is likely to be relevant, or at least more relevant than the presented alternatives."
Patent: Query Augmentation (Mar. 2018) :
"The click logs can be used to identify which user queries perform best, as indicated by the number of clicks associated with each query. In some implementations, implicit signals of query quality are used to determine if a query can be used as an augmentation query. An implicit signal is a signal based on user actions in response to the query. Example implicit signals can include click-through rates (CTR) related to different user queries, long click metrics, and/or click-through reversions, as recorded within the click logs."
"A click-through for a query can occur, for example, when a user of a user device, selects or “clicks” on a search result returned by search engine. The CTR is obtained by dividing the number of users that clicked on a search result by the number of times the query was submitted. For example, if a query is input 100 times, and 80 persons click on a search result, then the CTR for that query is 80%."
"A long click occurs when a user, after clicking on a search result, dwells on the landing page (i.e., the document to which the search result links) of the search result or clicks on additional links that are present on the landing page. A long click can be interpreted as a signal that the query identified information that the user deemed to be interesting, as the user either spent a certain amount of time on the landing page or found addition items of interest on the landing page."
"A click-through reversion (also known as a “short click”) occurs when a user, after clicking on a search result and being provided the referenced document, quickly returns to the search results page from the referenced document. A click-through reversion can be interpreted as a signal that the query did not identify information that the user deemed to be interesting, as the user quickly returned to the search results page."
"For example, a query having a high CTR, many long clicks, and few click-through reversions would likely have a high performance score; conversely, a query having a low CTR, few long clicks, and many click-through reversions would likely have a low performance score."
Today we are on the Google AI and Machine learning era and the game has changed forever. But we still have a chance to influence rankings using new techniques and an AI to combat other AI.
Welcome to CTRify!